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    Indigo responds to EU Commission communication on sustainable carbon cycles

    Indigo Agriculture welcomes today's communication on Sustainable Carbon Cycles, published by the European Commission and look forward to contributing to its implementation. It is clear that to achieve the targets of climate neutrality by the middle part of the century, and to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030, nature-based solutions, such as carbon farming, will be necessary.

    Carbon by Indigo rewards growers for enriching their soil by adopting practices which can both reduce their emissions and draw down and store carbon in their fields. Most important is to ensure the accurate monitoring, reporting and verification of any emission reductions and carbon removals. This is why we have been the first to adopt new and extremely robust methodologies developed for soil carbon farming by the Climate Action Reserve and Verra.

    By following these methodologies, we can ensure the integrity of our program for growers, investors, and policy makers. They specifically respond to questions of how to ensure realness, additionality, leakage, avoidance of double-counting and, critically, the permanence of carbon removals. Programs which follow these methodologies can therefore make a significant contribution to the improvement in farm sustainability and economics as well as helping to achieve the EU's climate goals. 

    Read the European Commission's communication on sustainable carbon cycles

    More information on our Carbon Progress